
Tuesday 11 December 2012

Day Eleven - .........andthatswhoiam....

I have tumble. I have no idea how to use it but I have found something I love. A page, member, group, or what ever they are called on there.

You can find it at

And this is my own 'and this  who I am'

I don't can't remember my actual natural hair colour......but this will be the next colour.

I love tattoos on girls......

And guys......and Adam Lavine

I feel guilty even when I have done nothing wrong.

I always feel left out

I love Boston Terriers

I love Photography

I wear my heart on my sleeve

I love snow.

And whilst I generally accept my size, I will never fully accept my body.

what would your '...andthatswhoiam' look like?

Toni x

All the images above are courtesy of Google images and tumblr.


  1. What a lovely hair colour. :)

    I've abandoned my tumblr, I was spending waaaay too much time on it. Struggling with my own version of this kind of post at the moment, its hard to open to people.

    1. My hair is purplish but a lot darker!

      I find my blog as a type of therapy as I find talking about me difficult.

      T x
